Welcome to the project electronic resource, which comprises critical editions and translations of the work of 11 of the 37 poets featured in the Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum (Amsterdam, 1637: hereafter DPS); a high-quality digital scan of the entire two-volume text; a glossary of Classical and mythological figures, to assist readers in understanding the many references to these myths that occur in the poems; and a bibliography of research tools and further reading for those interested in learning more about Scottish neo-Latin literature and culture.
Poems can be browsed in the order in which they appear in the DPS on the browse page, while those looking for the use of specific Latin terms, phrases or authors in the texts, or interested in seeing if the poets discuss specific historical events or figures, can look for these using the search page. Our editorial approach and conventions are outlined in detail on our methodology page. For further contextual and background information on the poets featured on the site, please see our collection of research articles.
If you spot any errors or have any feedback on the resource, or want to share your experience of using the resource in your teaching or research, please do get in touch via our contact page.

Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum: both volumes